Top 5 Benefits of Guided Meditation Classes

· health,meditation,Guided Meditation,Meditation Classes
Guided Meditation Classes Maine

Are you feeling burnt out and tired in life? Do you feel like you could do with some mental peace and calm? If yes, then you need to go for Guided Meditation Classes in Maine. You don’t need to be spiritually inclined or even a morning person to join guided meditation classes. This idea that you need to follow certain rules to meditate is what keeps away people from it. Meditation is an ancient practice that offers many benefits that make you feel charged and energized. So, what are the benefits of guided meditation classes? We will take a look at them in this blog. So, continue reading to find out more.

First of all, let us find out what meditation is.

What is meditation?

As mentioned above, meditation is an ancient practice that means “to ponder” in the Latin language. It’s a technique that develops and deepens concentration while we are at it. There are many types of meditation like mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, mantra meditation, and movement meditation. The first instance of meditation was documented as far back as 1500 BCE.

Now, let us find out what guided meditation classes are.

What are guided meditation classes?

Meditation classes take place when your meditation practice is guided by a meditation teacher. It can take place either indoors or outdoors. If you are new to this practice, it might seem a bit confusing for you. However, you will have others with you in the class and you can learn from them. Joining a class is far more effective than doing it all by yourself at home.

Depending on the type of meditation being done, you will be asked to sit on a chair or the floor. There is no right way to do this so whatever makes you feel comfortable is acceptable. Some meditation classes will play music that includes instruments like Tibetan meditation bowls and some may only have the sound of the meditation teacher. Regardless of the type of class, you will surely reap a lot of benefits from it!

What are the benefits of guided meditation classes?

A few benefits of guided meditation classes are as follows:

  Reduces stress and anxiety

This is a big benefit of joining guided meditation classes. Stress and anxiety are part of everyone’s life now and cause unnecessary worry. So, whether you are experiencing these two because of your job or your home, you can count on guided meditation classes to help you reduce them. Whenever you sit down to meditate, it reduces your blood pressure and resting heart rate. This, in turn, reduces stress and anxiety. According to one poll, as much as 84% of people in the US meditate to reduce stress.

  Enhances relationships

We are all dependent on people to carry on with our lives. Whether it’s a partner, a parent, or a sibling, having someone makes your life easier. However, this doesn’t mean that relationships are easy to maintain. Often it happens that we start taking it for granted and that affects the relationship greatly. We might also start seeing flaws in the other person which we didn’t see before. This is where guided meditation classes come in. They teach you to be grateful for all your relationships and help you maintain them.

  Reduces negative thoughts

We all have countless thoughts running through our minds on a daily basis. The problem starts when we begin to experience mostly negative thoughts. This creates a shift in your mindset and soon you start seeing everything negatively, whether it's your health or your career. You might get tired of it and wish to be more positive in your life and that is exactly where guided meditation can help. According to one study, people who participated in mindfulness meditation had much fewer negative thoughts than people who didn’t receive the meditation class.

  Changes your brain for the better

It has been scientifically proven that meditation changes your brain so that you experience a more enriching life. Using MRI scans, scientists have successfully demonstrated how meditation changes the thickness of the prefrontal cortex (responsible for attention and making decisions). Along with that, scientists have also proven that the amygdala (responsible for stress, anxiety, and fear) and the hippocampus (responsible for memory and learning) also change if you practice meditation regularly.

  Shared practice

As mentioned above, meditation is much more effective when done in a group as opposed to doing it all alone. Doing it along with others enhances the experience and amplifies the energy in the room. According to a study done by Yoga International, EEG tests performed on meditation participants showed that their brainwaves were synced to each other. This proves that meditating in a group can change your life for the better.


So, this was all about group meditation classes and their benefits. We also discussed what meditation is and what group meditation classes are. Hopefully, after going through this blog, you are feeling confident about starting or deepening your meditation practice. To get all the benefits mentioned above, you need to find an experienced and licensed meditation teacher. If you are looking for such a professional, you can reach out to Meditation Healing. They provide the Best Guided Meditation in Maine.